LearnToDrill now offers both IADC and IWCF Well Control training, which begs the question–What is the difference between IWCF and IADC Well Control training?
At the core level, both IADC and IWCF certificates are the same. Both organizations exist to offer accredited Well Control training, and both organizations typically have the same standards. Here, we walk through a few of the differences.
Geographic Focus
The IWCF, or International Well Control Forum, is based out of Aberdeen, Scotland. The IWCF’s sole focus is well control and well control training. Generally, IWCF training and IWCF certificates are more focused on European, Asian, and Middle Eastern markets.
Consequently, the IADC, or International Association of Drilling Contractors, is based out of Houston, TX in the United States. While it has global reach, and is constantly working to expand this reach, the IADC is primarily focused on the United States. As a result, for many US-based land drilling contractors, IADC Well Control is used almost exclusively.
With that being said, both IADC certificates and IWCF certificates are used interchangeably in many parts of the world. In the United States, for example, many operators and contractors exclusively accept IWCF certificates. Similarly, IADC Well Control training is accepted in many parts of Europe and Asia.
Course Levels
While they use different names for course levels, both IADC and IWCF have identical levels. Both organizations in the well control training world recently made fundamental changes to their structures based on a recent report released by the OGP (Oil and Gas Producers Association)
While the names may be slightly different, both organizations offer the following levels of training:
1-Awareness 2-Introductory 3-Driller Level 4-Supervisor Level 5- Engineer Level
We offer the Level 1 and 2 courses for both IADC and IWCF: Introductory IADC WellSharp Online, IWCF Level 2 Online, and IADC Awareness Online.
Testing Process
The biggest difference between IADC and IWCF Well Control training is the testing process.
For the Introductory Level, the IADC allows students to take non-proctored exams for their courses online without having to physically come into a classroom. The IWCF requires that Intro students come into the classroom for a proctored exam of well control questions, even if they take online well control training.
For the Fundamental and Supervisory levels, both IADC and IWCF require students to come into the classroom for both the entire training course and for a proctored exam.
What does this mean for ME?
If you’re choosing between IWCF and IADC, it’s not always an easy decision. The IADC course is cheaper, easier, and simpler- this might be a great place to start.
However, if you are planning on working in Europe, Australia, or the Middle East, the IWCF course might be required.
To be safe, you can always take both! LearnToDrill can give you some great discounts if this is what you choose. Happy well control training!