Over the past few years, LearnToDrill has worked with some of the largest companies in the oilfield to develop mobile drilling apps for the iPhone, iPad, and Android. Read on and you might find the perfect drilling app for you!
Learn more about all our apps below, and download one for yourself today!
We developed this drilling app working together with Chevron - they wanted an app that is a virtual, simulated Pit Drill. Essentially, the well control app allows anyone to simulate being a Driller, go through all the operations, detect a kick, and shut the well in. Free to download and use for a limited number of attempts! Download now or send us an email at info@learntodrill.com to chat about partnerships.

We developed this well control app with Chevron and the IADC - International Association of Drilling Contractors. The app follows all IADC and IWCF well control guidelines and allows students to circulate out a kick using Driller's Method, Wait and Weight Method, or Bullheading. It's super, fun, interesting, and it also works in multi-user mode to have one student as the Supervisor and another student as the Driller.

We developed this app working with a series of different well control training providers from across the globe. Through this app, students receive push notifications for online e-learning well control content, well control questions and quizzes, and well control lessons learned, in between their 2-year well control training cycle. Stay refreshed and competent!
