(281) 916-8443
Wait and Weight Method Simulator (Subsea)
In this simulation, our virtual instructor guides a student through killing a subsea stack well using the Wait and Weight Method. All procedures are scored automatically per IADC grading standards for the Supervisor Level Subsea Stack course.
Each of our drilling simulators includes access for 1 student for 1 year to go through the simulation as many times as desired. Purchasing gives you access to both the Offline version on your iPad/iPhone and the Web version on your PC/Laptop
Confirm BOP Panel Lineup
Confirm the BOP is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Confirm Choke Panel lineup
Confirm the Choke Panel is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Confirm Standpipe Manifold Lineup
Confirm the Standpipe Manifold is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Confirm Choke Manifold lineup
Confirm the Choke Manifold is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Confirm Trip Tank lineup
Confirm the Trip Tank is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Check and Set BOP Pressures
Confirm BOP pressures are correct and regulate them correctly.

Bump the Float
Bump the float to determine SIDPP and record it.

Fill out a Kill Sheet
Use our interactive kill sheet as you walk through all kill sheet calculations

Confirm Pump Manifold lineup
Confirm the Pump Manifold is lined up correctly for well kill operations.

Set Pit Level alarms
Conduct key calculations to set pit level alarms to detect additional influx

Communicate your Kill Plan
Answer a series of questions to communicate your kill plan to the rig crew.

Bring Pumps Online to Kill Rate
Bring pumps up to the kill rate and determine Initial Circulating Pressure (ICP).

Maintain ICP during kick circulation
Maintain ICP constant as you circulate a kick up the wellbore

Detect and Handle a Nozzle Plugging kill problem
Follow IADC guidelines to handle a Nozzle Plugging kill problem

Detect and Handle a Choke Washout kill problem
Follow IADC guidelines to handle a Choke Washout kill problem

Detect and Handle a Nozzle Washout kill problem
Follow IADC guidelines to handle a Nozzle Washout kill problem

Detect and Handle a Choke Plugging kill problem
Follow IADC guidelines to handle a Choke Plugging kill problem

Handle Gas at the Choke
Handle the rapid change in pressures due to gas at the choke

Handle Mud at the Choke
Handle the rapid change in pressures due to mud replacing gas at the choke

Shut Down the Pumps
Bring the pumps offline to end the kill operation

Analyze well pressures
After shutdown, analyze well pressures to determine if additional circulations are necessary